2015 has been a heart filling year with SO much memories! For my husband - his business venture, snapping the endless litany of shady perpetrators, then a whole basket of being Appa! For me - a sorely missed baby-bump, five and a half dozen coloured glass bangles, catching up with bazillion good hearted souls, leaving my first team, being a first time mom, fitting into pre-pregnancy clothes, a (double) promotion, pen drives bountiful of photos, a dozen books read another dozen shelved, seven wedding celebrations, greases of baby lotion, tears, gooey good stuff and gooey belch stuffs, a Santa who bought me *these* chocolates for Christmas and then a little baby girl who is pointing teeny weeny fingers asking for a Panda-ish jar full of jellies <3
*This* my friends, is happiness :)
May 2016 be a beautiful beautiful year for all of us - an early wish :)