Sunday, January 20, 2013

[55 Fiction] Mirror Mirror on the Wall

You wake up, go to the bathroom and look at the mirror....

Looks back a smirking-Grinch! 

Unable to comprehend the smirk Yohan paced across the lengths of his 2BHK. 

He could envisage a Shrek 3 movie in making already!

He re-read the SMS from his steady girlfriend, Priya – “am pregnant da! :-s 

And gulped.

This post is a part of">Write Over the Weekend
, an initiative for" target="_blank">Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda

Saturday, January 19, 2013


And I am humbled by the 50th follower today!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

[55 Fiction] Oblivion

Pairs of  eyes  - entirely closed;

Lone numb minds - entirely vacant;

They focused not at the failed attempt to speak.

When conviction grew leaps and bounds;

When trust rose so by a fathom;

They focused not on the tossing butterflies.

As they tasted their first kiss,

As their fingers entwined subtly;

Into oblivion, slipped they – brazenly.

This post was written for Three Word Wednesday featured HERE.